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Campaspe Formation, a surficial, fluviatile, sand-dominated unit, is extensively developed in the Charters Towers region of north Queensland where it covers an area of 11 000 km2, overlying Paleozoic basement and erosional remnants of Paleogene Southern Cross Formation. In the northern part of its distribution, it is interlayered with, and overlain by, flows of Nulla Basalt. It is dated as mid-Pliocene, based on the 3.48 Ma age of the Myrrilumbing Flow interlayered with its upper part, an antiquity consistent with thin ferricrete locally developed at its surface. The formation defines the Campaspe Surface at an elevation of 200–440 m in the present landscape, falling gently from upland to the west towards the current channel of the Burdekin River. This surface is a relict alluvial plain little incised by easterly flowing tributaries of the Burdekin River and has survived, essentially intact, from the early Pliocene. Geometry of the formation is established from some 2000 mineral exploration drill holes and seismic profiling. It has an average thickness of some 60 m, reaching a maximum of over 200 m. It blankets a pre-existing, low relief landscape in which a basement ridge divides it into two sub-basins that mirror the present drainage. The formation consists of poorly sorted sandstone with minor conglomerate and siltstone, and contains paleosol horizons with associated calcrete. Matrix supported sandstone in the succession, indicates deposition in part from hyperconcentrated flows. Sandstones generally show poorly defined planar layering as typical of ephemeral overbank and terminal splay sediment bodies but beds with cross-lamination, indicating fluvial channel bed forms, are also present. They are characterised by pore-filling silt and mud, largely emplaced by post-depositional infiltration, such that the unit produces essentially no groundwater. Facies attributes are consistent with fluvial deposition in ephemeral, dry climate, distributary system, with inefficient cross-drainage discharge that induced aggradation, resulting in a substantial sediment body perched in the landscape. Framework grain compositions show the formation to be mineralogically mature, representing erosional debris derived from intense weathering in an earlier climatic regime recorded, at least in part, by duricrust developed in the fluviatile–lacustrine Southern Cross Formation of Paleogene age. Such duricrust intervals are now upstanding in the landscape, representing erosional remnants from inverted relief developed in a mid-Cenozoic, pluvial, landscape cycle. Paleoclimatic signature of the Campaspe Formation extends the record of Pliocene aridity, widely recognised elsewhere in Australia, to northeast Queensland. In large part the landscape of the Charters Towers district is relict from the early Pliocene and is in the process of readjusting to more pluvial climatic regimes. By implication, Pliocene aridity has, on a small scale, exerted a strong influence on the present physiography of Australian landscapes.  相似文献   
西菲律宾海沉积物铁族元素地球化学   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文对取自西菲律宾海区的三个柱状沉积物岩芯的铁族元素地球化学行为进行了系统的研究。从元素的含量及剖面变化、元素的相关性及组合特征,铁族元素与主元素的关系以及元素的赋存状态等方面探讨了物质来源、沉积作用和古气候,并据此进行了地层划分。沉积物有4种来源:海底火山源、生物源、自生源和陆源。海底火山物质提供了较多的铁族元素,相形之下,自生沉积作用较弱。元素地层学研究表明,在全新世温暖期和晚更新世寒冷期铁族元素表现出不同的地球化学行为,尤以Mn和亲生物(Ca)元素对气候的反映灵敏。WP_2孔和WP_(40)孔铁族元素特征相似,与WP_1孔差别较大。  相似文献   
基于近年来有关日本海的古海洋古环境研究成果,总结概述了日本海中新世以来的古气候和古海洋环境演化特征。日本海作为西北太平洋一个主要的边缘海,在全球气候变化过程中起着重要的作用。它的古气候古环境演化,与全球其他地区一样受控于地球轨道参数的变化,同时也发育一些由气候的不稳定性、海峡的开合与其他一些地球气候系统的非线性活动所驱动的突发性快速气候变化事件。日本海的古海平面、古海水温度、古洋流等因子的变化还受到冰盖扩张和退缩、构造运动、冰川性地壳均衡补偿、东亚季风等因素的影响,具有鲜明的区域特点。总体说来,目前对日本海的研究程度还不高,对它在全球气候变化中的作用过程、驱动和响应机制的了解还很有限,需要进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
银川盆地中更新世以来的孢粉记录及古气候研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
银川盆地中更新世以来的孢粉记录及据此所重建的古气候参数,揭示了该区中更新世以来的古气候演变特征,其演变经过了温湿→凉湿→温和→冷湿→温干→凉较湿→冷湿→温干→凉润→温较干→温干的变化,并与新疆地区,黄土高原以及深海δ^18O曲线进行了对比,结果表明,各地的古环境变化大致同步,该区由于位置靠西,邻近沙漠,最近地质历史时期的区域性干旱特色明显。  相似文献   
气候转型与早期人类迁徙   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前的旧石器考古证据表明,更新世早期可能发生了两次人类迁徙浪潮,时间分别在1.8-1.6MaBP和1.0MaBP左右,第一阶段,古人类演化为直立人并开始走出非洲、迁徙至其它中低纬度的热带-亚热带地区;第二阶段,直立人开始占据中高纬度的温带和干旱-半干旱地区。这两个阶段也是第四纪气候发生转型、环境产生重大调整的时期。二者在发生时间上的一致性揭示了它们之间的内在联系,推测气候转型时期环境转变是这两次人类迁徙浪潮的主要驱动力。  相似文献   
白令海DSDP188站氧同位素3期以来的古海洋与古气候记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白令海南部DSDP188站沉积物生源组分分析显示,该地区表层生产力在MIS3早、晚期(3.3和3.1)以及MIS2期增加,而其他时期表层生产力相应降低,并且表层生产力的变化没有显示明显的冰期与间冰期旋回。沉积物的C/N比值反映了有机碳的混合来源,说明该地区表层生产力可能受陆源营养物质输入的影响。该站位沉积物的非生源组分分析显示,MIS3早、晚期陆源物质输入量增加,反映洋流加强和气候变化。MIS2出现两次陆源物质输入量的增加,显示了洋流和气候的波动。MIS3和末次冰消期碳屑丰度增加,但MIS2降低,指示MIS3和MIS1陆地天然火灾概率大,而MIS2天然火灾概率低,反映间冰期比冰期更容易发生天然火灾。  相似文献   
沉积物镁铝含量比及其古气候意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
张士三  陈承惠 《台湾海峡》1993,12(3):266-271
沉积物的镁铝含量比——m 值(m=100×MgO/Al_2O_3)与沉积水介质的盐度、pH 水温关系密切。当水温处在冰点以下时,沉积物的m 值随水温降低而增大。当水温处在冰点以上时,水介质的盐度、pH 和水温的增加,都有利于m 值增大。由于气候条件能直接或间接地影响沉积水介质的特征,因此,沉积物的m 值对古气候的变化具有一定的判别功能。通过对中国元古宙以来沉积物m 值的分析,发现古气候的热冷变化有1200Ma 的周期,其中还有次一级的热冷气候波动。第四纪的气候是处在热气候期后期的一个冷的气候波动阶段。  相似文献   
近2600年神农架大九湖泥炭的气候变化记录   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
神农架大九湖沼泽泥炭柱状样提供了分辨率为25a的约2600a来的气候变化记录。对样品进行了环境磁学参数测量、X射线荧光分析(XRF)、孢粉鉴定和统计建模,结果表明,大九湖气温的变化曲线与竺可桢中国东部的物候温度曲线以及格陵兰氧同位素变化曲线大体一致,与青藏高原东部希门错湖泊沉积物温度代用指标的变化曲线也十分相似。特别是550—1300AD间的相对温暖期,与竺可桢首次提出来的中国东部隋唐温暖期(约600-1000AD)和欧洲的中世纪暖期(930-1240AD)在时间跨度上大致对应。可划分为4个阶段:(1)600BC—550AD,气候相对冷湿;(2)550—1300AD,气候相对凉干;(3)1300—1900AD,气候又转变为冷湿,其中最冷期1400—1900AD可与欧洲的小冰期对应;(4)1900AD至今,气候又开始转向相对凉干。同时发现低频磁化率χlf与铁元素含量之比(χlf/Fe)的变化曲线与利用孢粉分析数据恢复的大九湖气候变化曲线对应得很好,特别是二者都清晰地显示了500—1300AD为一相对暖期。这预示着χlf/Fe可能是泥炭剖面的一个更好的气候记录代用指标。  相似文献   
U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from the sandstones of the Mamakan Formation has been made. Geochemical and isotope parameters of the carbonate deposits of the Yanguda Formation in the Vendian-Cambrian cover of the North Muya continental block have been estimated. It has been established that only the Neoproterozoic (630-915 Ma) rocks of the North Muya block were the provenances of terrigenous material. In the least altered carbonate rocks of the Yanguda Formation, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio is within 0.70814-0.70879 and δ13C varies from -0.4 to + 1.9‰. Comparison of the evaluated isotope parameters with those of carbonate rocks of typical Vendian-Cambrian sections shows that the carbonate deposits of the Yanguda Formation accumulated in the Early Cambrian, about 520 Ma. Sedimentation of the Mamakan and Yanguda Formations took place in the local sedimentary basin in the Vendian-Early Cambrian, in the absence of tectonic activity within the North Muya block. Detrital material that formed during the destruction of the rocks of the Siberian Platform basement and cover was not supplied into the basin.  相似文献   
大兴安岭南部—松辽盆地西斜坡晚二叠世古沉积环境一直以来备受争议,关于该地区中—晚二叠世古环境演化方面的研究也鲜见报道。本文采用元素地球化学和有机地球化学相结合的研究方法,对松辽盆地西斜坡蒙科地1井中—晚二叠世古沉积环境演化特征进行综合研究。结果表明,中二叠世为明显的海相沉积,沉积水体相对较深,期间可能存在多次干热—暖湿波动,其中中二叠世ZSI晚期—ZSII早期较为明显,水体性质体现为咸水—微咸水—半咸水,水体还原性—偏氧化性—还原性,气候干热—温湿—干热。晚二叠世早期为微咸水—半咸水海相沉积,至晚二叠世晚期转变为淡水—微咸水海陆过渡相沉积,期间存在两次明显的气候环境波动,与中二叠世哲斯组沉积中期气候环境变化相似,表现为水体变浅、咸度降低、还原性减弱,气候由干热转向温湿。晚二叠世以来气候逐渐向温暖湿热转变,水体逐渐变浅,可能与二叠纪—三叠纪之交气候变暖有关。至三叠纪、侏罗纪时期,区域处于构造抬升阶段,沉积环境由海陆过渡相环境转变为陆相沉积。结合TOC、古生产力指标分析得出,中二叠世ZSI晚期—ZSII2早期、晚二叠世LXI晚期、晚二叠世LXII中期、晚二叠世LXIII沉积期偏湿润的气候条件和低咸度、弱还原—偏氧化性的沉积水体环境,是形成厚度较大、富有机质烃源岩的有利的气候环境条件。  相似文献   
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